The Olaf Wieghorst Museum has joined Time Travelers, a free reciprocal membership network of historical museums, sites, and societies throughout the United States. Your membership in the Wieghorst Museum entitles you to various benefits including free or reduced admission, discounts, free parking and more at over 500 locations nationwide.

Planning a vacation?

If you are planning a vacation, or just looking for a museum near you, check the Time Travelers Museum Map. You will find special deals courtesy of participating institutions.  Be sure to call ahead and confirm the discounts are still offered. Offers and participation in the network are subject to change.

Visiting the Wieghorst Museum

If you are already a member of a museum on the Time Travelers list, the Olaf Wieghorst Museum welcomes you. Just show your membership card from a participating institution for gift shop discounts. Our museum’s admission is free except for special events and ample free parking is available.