The Olaf Wieghorst Museum has established a Roof Fund.

Our roof is leaking! Our heating and air conditioning systems keep breaking down!

Our energy bills are too high!

We need a new roof and we have created a special account – the Roof Fund – for these capital improvements.

Donate to the Roof Fund

The purpose of the fund is to re-roof the museum, replace two HVAC units and install rooftop solar.

For the project at hand we have a budget as follows:

New roof – $31,000
HVAC (two units) $16,000
Contingencies $3,000

And if we are able, we would like to make the museum energy self-sufficient by adding a solar roof.

Solar system $30,000

With a solar system we will lower our carbon footprint by eliminating our natural gas usage.

Here is our progress to date.

Amount Raised

$16,180 (September 8, 2022)

Amount Pledged

up to $ 15,000

The Museum Foundation has received a matching donation pledge of $15,000.
With the matching pledge we have secured funding for the first phase of our capitol improvement project – a new roof.
Help us reach the next milestone – replacing our heating and air condtioning (HVAC) systems!